8 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally

A Man's Guide To Essential Vitamins & Minerals

It is natural for testosterone levels to decline as a person ages, but there are steps that they can take to slow, and perhaps reverse, the process.

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Testosterone is an important hormone for both men and women. Even though it’s often associated with a man’s libido, testosterone occurs in both sexes from birth. In females, it plays a part in sexual drive, energy, and physical strength. In males, it stimulates the beginning of sexual development and helps maintain a man’s health throughout his life.

A man’s testosterone level peaks in early adulthood. But the hormone continues to play an important role in:

  • bone and muscle mass
  • fat storage
  • production of red blood cells
  • sexual and physical health

Drastically decreasing testosterone levels can lead to:

  • difficulty achieving an erection
  • increased body fat
  • decreased muscle strength
  • loss of body hair
  • swelling and tenderness of the breasts
  • sleep disturbances
  • fatigue
  • depression

Boosting Testosterone Levels

Traditional testosterone replacement therapies, such as injections, implants, and gels, work to add testosterone into your body and while these might help some people, they may also slow down the body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone. Herbs and supplements, on the other hand, help your body make testosterone and include things such as Vitamin D, Zinc, DHEA and single herbs. Some herbs and supplements also simply aim to ease your symptoms of low testosterone.

We always recommend you talk to your Health Practitioner before taking certain herbs or supplements. They’ll be able to recommend the accurate dosage and ensure proper safety of consumption.

Other key ways to improve testosterone levels is by adopting the following lifestyle habits:

1. Getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep can adversely affect the levels of hormones and chemicals that the body needs to function correctly, including testosterone. Researchers have found that after only 1 week of restricted sleep, testosterone levels dropped by up to 15 percent. Making sleep a priority may help maintain testosterone levels. People should aim to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours each night. Anyone having problems getting good quality sleep on a regular basis should talk to their Health Practitioner.

2. Maintain a balanced diet

Research has long shown that eating well is essential to maintaining testosterone levels and overall health. The best diets are ones that include mostly whole foods and offer a healthful balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Eating a healthful and nutritious diet can keep all hormones levels in the body balanced and promote optimal long-term health.

3. Lose weight

Research has shown that men who carry more weight have lower levels of testosterone. If you need help shedding excess kilos, talk to one of our Health Practitioners.

4. Stay active

Studies show that the more active an individual is, the more testosterone they will have and that in fact, increasing physical activity was more beneficial than weight loss for improving testosterone levels.

5. Stress reduction

Long-term and chronic stress is dangerous and can lead to many issues in the body, particularly via raising cortisol levels, which is responsible for many processes like immune responses and metabolism. High cortisol negatively impacts testosterone and there are many things we can do at Paddington Clinic to help with natural stress-management techniques and supplements.

6. Vitamins and supplements

As mentioned previously, vitamins, supplements and herbs help to correct deficiencies and aid to increase testosterone levels. Talk to your Health Practitioner about the most beneficial ones for you.

7. Review medications

While prescription medications can help manage a variety of health conditions, they are one of the most common reasons for low testosterone. Anyone who suspects low testosterone is due to prescribed medications should bring these concerns to their doctor’s attention.

8. Avoid drugs and alcohol abuse

Abuse of drugs and alcohol has been linked to lower testosterone due to the way they affect the glands and hormones involved in male reproductive health.


If you are concerned about your testosterone levels, speak to one of our Health Practitioners about the options available to you.

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