3 Things You Need To Know About Taking Control Of Your Health



Many individuals today are striving to take greater control over their health. For some, this goal stems from a desire to lead a more natural, healthy life. Others may be driven to learn more about their options for healthcare due to the rising cost of modern medical services or after having received improper care or unpleasant side effects as a result of using these services. Individuals have been using holistic health care treatments for centuries with great results, and this includes for many years prior to the introduction of modern medical practices. While some view this as a new age approach to healthcare, the fact is that this is a proven healthcare option that is commonly accepted in cultures around the world.

3 Things You Need To Know About The Differences In Available Health Care

1. A Focus on Total Body Health

It is unfortunate but true that many modern medical treatments focus on treating symptoms or treating a certain part of the body that is ailing rather than in promoting total body wellness. Holistic medicine is different because it takes into account the fact that the body is a single, cohesive unit, and all of its systems must work together in a compatible way to enjoy the best results possible. For example, the nervous system and the immune system are in direct communication with one another. If there exist problems in the immune system such as recurrent colds and flus, skin breakouts, or unresolved viral infections, in holistic medicine, not only is the immune system addressed (symptom), but underlying issues of the nervous system, for example, are also looked into as a contributing factor (cause). Chronic stress and other nervous system disorders may be at fault and without addressing the body as a cohesive, integrated unit, key factors are over-looked and optimal health management cannot be achieved. Holistic practices look at underlying causes rather than symptom management only as a treatment approach.

2. Healthcare Education

It is common for doctors today to simply tell patients what their diagnosis is and to prescribe medication to help them feel better, but many doctors spend little time on educating their patients on the cause of the issue. On the other hand, holistic practitioners strive to educate their patients on the causes of the issue and, by doing so, promote overall wellness and health. When patients understand more about how their bodies work and are aware of factors or lifestyle behaviors that may be causing them to experience certain symptoms, they can more easily take control of their health.

3. Natural Treatments

It is important to note that one of the key differences between holistic and modern medicine relates to treatments. Nature provides effective treatments in various herbs, roots, berries, food substances and in natural therapies like acupuncture. These items generally work in unison with the body in a healthy way, and many of these natural treatments have no side effects or side effects are significantly fewer than the pharmaceutical drugs that modern doctors prescribe. Many patients have experienced side effects that range from sleeplessness or fatigue to nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing and more as a result of taking medications prescribed by modern medical doctors. These side effects are generally not present with holistic medical treatments.

Every individual should have the right to choose the type of healthcare he or she receives. Both have their merits. Both have their inadequacies. But it is time to start viewing health as a large and complex canvas whereby many different paints are needed to make it as bright and as vibrant as possible.

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