Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”In Ayurvedic (Indian) medical herbal texts it is noted that chewing the leaves of gymnema removed the ability to taste sweet or bitter substances for up to 2 hours. One or two ml per day is all that is necessary for reducing sweet cravings and the sweet taste. The extract can be applied directly to the tongue, rinsed off and swallowed.

This can be done at 2 to 3 hour intervals. Oral administration of gymnema also demonstrated hypoglycemic activity by regulating blood sugar and increasing the activity of enzymes that facilitate the use of glucose by insulin-dependent pathways. There have been several clinical studies where blood glucose levels in mild diabetic models that were not taking insulin nor were diet controlled, noted improvement with treatment from 12 to 24 weeks.

Gymnema reduced appetite, calorie intake and sense of taste for sweet foods and controlled clinical trials for both insulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent people demonstrated significant therapeutic benefits. Has nature provided us with a wonderful antidote to help reduce out of control blood sugar spikes that affect so many people today and perhaps help us reduce our addiction to super-sweet foods? Gymnema is available in both tablet and liquid tinctures.

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