Allergies & Asthma: Change is in the Air

Allergies & Asthma: Change is in the Air

Allergies & Asthma: Change is in the AirSpring is often thought of as the time for allergies, but really any change of season can trigger allergies and asthma. For many people a drop in the temperature is enough of a trigger, and when the humidity drops the air becomes drier and is more likely to irritate a sensitive respiratory system. You may be bringing winter clothes out of storage in moth balls and dust is being stirred up. All of these and more could trigger your allergies or asthma.

In our practice we have been investigating new natural solutions to provide greater relief from allergy symptoms than ever before.

Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at!

While allergy and asthma appear to be caused by outside triggers, such as dust, pollen, dry air and stressful events, the underlying problem actually lies within us. Both allergy and asthma occur when a particular part of our immune system is out of balance. Our immune system is designed to protect us from infections and to keep us healthy.

Allergy occurs when your immune system mistakes something that is normally harmless as being a threat to you and while “protecting” you from it, creates a strong inflammatory response. This inflammatory response is what produces the symptoms that you experience as allergy. In asthma this inflammation presents as difficulty breathing or may trigger an asthma attack.

Breathe Easy; Help is at Hand

Many of us know licorice as a confectionery, but did you know that licorice is a very effective herb for the symptoms of allergy and asthma? Licorice is considered an immune regulator, meaning that it helps to bring a wayward immune system back into balance. Licorice is particularly helpful at relieving all types of allergy as well as asthma, because it may be effective at addressing the underlying immune problem in these conditions.

Importantly, you won’t get this same effect from just eating the lolly, you need the strong herbal formula to do the trick. Combining licorice with the Chinese remedies such as Reiishi mushroom and Sophora root creates a potent formula that may help with the relief of symptoms of allergy and asthma.

With over 4000 years of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiishi mushroom has been considered helpful in the management of asthma and allergy, providing relief for symptoms such as wheezing, tight chest and coughing. Sophora root is also outstanding in its ability to relax the lungs, so it’s also considered useful in managing asthma and allergies. The fact that these herbs are also used in the management of eczema, dermatitis, itching skin and eyes and hayfever tells us that their benefit actually comes from looking at the underlying immune problem. This combination of herbs does not just suppress symptoms, but creates real healing, genuinely improving your health.

We Have the Skills and Experience to Help You

Acupuncture also helps with asthma, allergies and strengthening the immune system, along with a range of other herbs and supplements we use in the clinic. So whether you need help with occasional hayfever or suffer with persistent asthma or irritating dermatitis, we have the solutions you need. Call today to make an appointment to review your immune health and discuss what can be done to keep you in top shape.

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