General Health

The Truths and Myths of Sports Recovery

Recovery after training and competition allows athletes to return to their normal physiological and psychological state as rapidly as possible.

Various techniques are employed by athletes so that performance in their next competition or training session will not be unduly compromised by muscle soreness and/or fatigue. The term “sports recovery” used to mean, simply, rest. Read more

Toyahari acupuncture Brisbane

Injury Management and Chinese Medicine

Often when we get an acute injury, we are told to ice the area. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) is the well known first-line intervention for acute injuries.

This has been the prevailing advice for many years, but this is now being questioned in the scientific literature. Evidence is beginning to emerge that the use of ice on acute injuries may actually delay the healing process, a case where the Western scientific evidence is beginning to catch up with the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Read more

RECIPE: Postpartum Chicken Soup

We recommend this to all new mothers to help replenish blood, energy and kidney reserves after childbirth.

It’s also a great meal to drop around to new mothers to help nourish them and to support those first few weeks of settling into life with a new baby.

Ingredients 1 whole organic chicken  (The marrow from the bones is to nourish the body and build energy and blood) 4 cm piece of fresh ginger chopped (warming and for the digestion – must be fresh ginger) 1 teaspoon salt (to tonify the Kidneys) I large onion chopped Method Sauté the onion in a little olive oil until soft. Read more

RECIPE: Nourishing Bone Broth

Bone broth has been around for centuries and for good reason – It’s full of nutrients, amino acids, and minerals. You can drink it straight or save it for making stews or casseroles, simmering grains, or using it in any manner of meals. You can also use bone broth in any recipe that calls for chicken or beef stock. Read more

What Your Body Is Telling You It Wants This Winter

Our bodies require certain things from us during the cooler months. According to Chinese medicine, winter is a time of full ‘Yin’, meaning more quiet, inward activities are required.

It’s also Kidney time, which means that by abiding by what your body needs during the winter months, you can restore your adrenals – your vital energy. Read more

RECIPE: Black Bean + Sweet Potato Nachos (Vegan friendly)

Get a delicious dose of plant-based iron with our vegan spin on this Mexican classic.

Legumes are vegetarian sources of iron, and black beans are one of the best in iron content. Vegetarian sources contain non-haem iron, which is not as well absorbed as haem-iron found in animal sources, so the addition of vitamin C-rich foods, such as capsicum and tomatoes, increases the iron absorption. Read more

Are You Sick of Catching Colds & Flu’s?

Are You Sick of Catching Colds & Flu’s?

Colds and flu’s can strike at any time, not just the dreaded winter season. Some people are more susceptible to catching them, and here’s to understanding why:

Why Do We Get Colds & Flu’s?

If you regularly catch colds and flu’s, you may have an imbalance in your immune system which may make you more susceptible to infections. Read more

Child Sleep

Getting Your Child to Sleep Naturally + 10 Remedies for Nightmares

A good night’s sleep is vital to your child’s mood and brain function. Studies show that not getting enough rest can worsen behaviour, memory, emotional control and immune function.

So how can we help our children sleep through the night? Eat, Drink, and Exercise Right for a Good Night’s Sleep

Avoid eating or snacking one to two hours before bedtime.  Read more


Our 5 Favourite Go-To Products To Have On Hand For Kids

Here at Padding ton Clinic, Brisbane, we love seeing your children and offering safe alternatives to their health care, whether it’s to test for food intolerances, to boost their immune systems, to calm their nerves, to help with digestive issues or just for a general check up. There is so much natural therapies can offer them and we are passionate about sharing all the wonderful ways we can help them naturally. Read more

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