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General Health


Being Male

by Peter Delaney, Acupuncturist, Naturopath & Senior Practitioner

Life as a male has its own challenges which are quite different to those of the females in our lives.

For one we have a different driving physiology; testosterone being the big one. When we are in teens, it’s about being fearless and taking sometimes unnecessary risks and we’ve all done that, haven’t we? Read more


Dear Potential Father: Please Read

If you could do something very simple to conceive a baby would you do it?

Imagine a car. Let’s say it’s not running well and you spend a lot of time and a lot of money fixing the engine. You spend months doing it up with new parts and spend a lot of money making sure the parts are of the best quality. Read more

Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

In Ayurvedic (Indian) medical herbal texts it is noted that chewing the leaves of gymnema removed the ability to taste sweet or bitter substances for up to 2 hours. One or two ml per day is all that is necessary for reducing sweet cravings and the sweet taste. The extract can be applied directly to the tongue, rinsed off and swallowed. Read more

Are You At Your Tipping Point

Are You At Your Tipping Point?

If you were surfing in the ocean and saw a large shark swim through the wave, it would be perfectly normal to have a very strong physical response. Tightening of the muscles throughout your body, increase in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate would all increase. Major changes to your hormone levels (release of adrenaline) and a rise in cortisone (which suppresses the immune system) occur in response to this stressful environment. Read more

Heavy Metals Test

What Is Wrong With Me?

It’s a common thing to hear in the clinic, “I’ve been to the doctors, I’ve had the testing done and they can’t find anything wrong with me. They say nothing is wrong.”

So many confused patients of ours have felt very unwell only to be left in the dark as to what the source of their problem is. Read more

Why Eating Sugar Impairs Your Ability To Conceive

Why Eating Sugar Impairs Your Ability To Conceive

Female infertility is increasing at an astounding rate in Australia. Now a series of new studies suggest the cause for both is the humble fructose molecule found in every teaspoon of sugar added to your food.

PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the primary cause of female infertility in Australia today. As many as one in five Australian women of reproductive age now have PCOS, however exact data on the numbers affected are hard to come by because up to 70 % of PCOS cases have not been medically diagnosed. Read more

5 Ways to Gain Health & Vitality for Free

5 Ways to Gain Health & Vitality for Free (or nearly free)

They say the best things in life are free, and fortunately, good health doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are five ways anyone can boost their health and vitality without spending a dime (or maybe just a few dimes):

1. Sunlight

Thank goodness Uncle Sam hasn’t figured out how to patent and tax the health benefits of a daily dose of sun. Read more

Can We Find Our Mind In Our Heart?

Can We Find Our Mind In Our Heart

Have you ever noticed that when you feel tired or weak you are more anxious, restless or aloof? You get palpitations or sweat, you can’t sleep and you look pale. Thousands of years before the understanding of Western physiology, this was explained to all be related to the HEART “the house of the mind”. Read more

The Facts & Figures of Obesity

The Facts & Figures of Obesity

The world is becoming a heavier place and gone are the days where the need for a smaller waistline is purely cosmetic.

Obesity rates worldwide have doubled in the last three decades, according to three new studies. It seems that being obese is no longer just a Western-dominant problem. In 1980, about 5 % of men and 8 % of women worldwide were obese. Read more

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