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General Health


FSM: A Potent Solution To Nerve & Muscle Pain

What Is Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) ?

 Frequency Specific Microcurrent is an exciting new way of treating nerve and muscle pain and many other conditions using specific frequencies and micro amperage current. There are hundreds of practitioners in the US, Australia, Ireland, and Canada using FSM to create profound changes in patients to reduce pain and improve health. Read more


Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is an extremely common health problem, affecting as many as 50 percent of Australians. Other terms used for this condition are gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or peptic ulcer disease. The hallmark symptom of acid reflux is “heartburn”—a burning sensation behind your breastbone that sometimes travels up your throat. In some cases, this pain can be severe enough to be mistaken for a heart attack.  Read more

Period Pain

What You Can Tell From What Floats In Your Toilet

When we first started studying natural medicine, poo talk was – though an essential part of understanding one’s health – a squirmish topic. Too much information, nervous laughter, brushed off with vague details — that kind of thing. BUT bodily emissions are an important health topic that deserves serious attention, regardless of the “ick factor.” Read more

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Fertilty – Helping It Happen

5 Important Things To Avoid When Trying To Conceive

While there are many different, complex reasons people may be struggling to conceive, these five things should be avoided by all couples.

1. Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are more commonplace than you might think, and their effect on fertility is profoundly destructive. Often, many of our clients who have been tested for heavy metals and found to have toxic chemicals in their system have been surprised about it and not had any idea of when they might have been exposed. Read more


New Research Revealing Paracetamol Ineffective For Back Pain

The most common pain reliever for back pain, paracetamol, does not work any better than a placebo, according to a new study published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet.

Guidelines around the world recommend that doctors treat back pain with paracetamol, but the George Institute for Global Health in Sydney conducted a trial after being unable to find good scientific evidence that paracetamol was effective.  Read more


Acupuncture Making Its Way Into Emergency Rooms


Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, people knowing about its benefits and uses long before the modern world caught on. Now, researchers at RMIT University, Melbourne, recently published a study into the use of acupuncture to treat pain and nausea in emergency room patients. Read more


Natural Home Remedies For Kids

Whether your child has a tummy ache, a stuffy nose, or a bug bite, doctors say that old-fashioned home remedies are often the best way to help him feel better fast. These time-tested treatments rarely have side effects, cost next to nothing, and use items you probably already have on hand. Read more


Overcoming Fatigue in Thyroid Problems

Have thyroid issues and struggle with fatigue even on thyroid medication? Here are some of the strategies to help overcome this debilitating symptom.

1. TSH

Make sure that your TSH is within the range of a healthy person without thyroid disease, not within the range of an elderly person or someone with subclinical thyroid disease. Read more

Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil - Which To Use and Why

A Natural Approach To Healthier Hair

It might sound like a recipe for a tasty lunch – avocado, eggs and yoghurt – but these nutrient-rich foods are perfect for slathering on your hair! With many of us seeking natural approaches to healthcare, minus the chemicals, homemade hair treatments make sense.


It’s important to note that problems with hair like thinning, or even hair falling out can be a strong sign of underlying conditions, like dietary insufficiencies or endocrine/adrenal disorders.   Read more

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