Herbal Medicine


Achy All Over & Exhausted? Fibromyalgia Might Be To Blame

Do you often ache all over and feel exhausted?  If you’ve been to the doctor and they haven’t been able to find anything specifically wrong with you then it’s possible you are suffering from fibromyalgia.

What It Is?

Fibromyalgia  is characterised by chronic widespread pain as well as fatigue and tender points on your body.  Read more


3 Things You Need To Know About Taking Control Of Your Health

Many individuals today are striving to take greater control over their health. For some, this goal stems from a desire to lead a more natural, healthy life. Others may be driven to learn more about their options for healthcare due to the rising cost of modern medical services or after having received improper care or unpleasant side effects as a result of using these services. Read more


Stress – Is There More Of It Or Have We Lost The Ability To Cope?

by Debbie Leigh, Naturopath.

We are designed to deal with stress. The fight, flight response which is otherwise called our Stress Response System (SRS) gets called into action in response to stressful events in our lives. However, is stress a modern epidemic?

Perhaps the modern epidemic is a shift in our ability to cope with such stressful events. Read more


Natural Pain Relief

In 2011, hydrocodone was the most prescribed drug in America, according to WebMD.

The treatment of pain can be as complex as it is individual. Sometimes, pain medication is necessary. Other times, natural solutions are just as effective, if not more. The ideal situation is knowing there are options, and not heading straight for a pill because it’s all you think will work.  Read more
Period Pain

10 Food Remedies To Reduce PMS

For some households, every four weeks can be a battle field. Children go into hiding, men wonder where it is the women they married disappear to, and many women struggle through their days. Everyone holds their breath while desperately waiting for The Wrath to pass.

Many women view PMS symptoms (irritability, mood alteration, anger, anxiety, headache, bloating and breast fullness) as an irritation they simply need to ‘put up with’ each month. Read more

Home Medicine

The Natural Home Medicine Cupboard

There are some things that should be in every body’s natural home medicine cupboard. Of course, we always recommend seeking the expertise of a health professional, such as a Naturopath, in order to determine which herbs or remedies are right for you and your particular constitution. It can be dangerous business self-medicating, even if the products are natural. Read more


Natural Kid’s First Aid

Seeing our children sick is awful. A lot of the time, we feel powerless and reach for Panadol and antibiotics because that is all we know.

Studies show that using Panadol in the first year of life for fever greatly increases the chances of asthma in 6-7 year-olds as well as being associated with an increased incidence of rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Read more

Skin Deep

Skin Deep

by Suzanne Wilson, Naturopath.

Society reminds us that we need to look younger with the latest scientifically proven anti-aging product. It tells us that if we eat chocolate we will get pimples and if we have a rash to use some corticosteroid cream on it and hope for it to never return.  Read more


Skin Concerns & Chinese Medicine

by Peter Delaney, Senior Practitioner.

Our skin is the first thing that people see when they look at us and so from a vanity perspective skin is very important. However, the skin has a lot more going for it and it needs lots of care and attention.

Our skin is one of our most vulnerable organs which is under attack constantly, whether it’s the environment we live in or the things we rub on ourselves such as sunscreen and makeup. Read more

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