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Herbal Medicine


7 Steps To Better Skin

Creating healthy skin is not solely about applying creams and lotions. Your skin is an organ of elimination, which means one of its purposes is to rid the body of toxins. Therefore, what appears on the skin surface is often a manifestation of what is going on internally. If your body is congested with undigested food, toxicity, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, or stress, this will appear on the skin and no amount of lotions will restore skin health without cleansing and balancing from the inside out. Read more

From Little Things Big Things Grow

From Little Things Big Things Grow

A brand of herbal products we use a lot of in the clinic is MediHerb. For a company who has gone on to become Australia’s largest purchaser and manufacturer of herbal medicines for the professional market, one would not think that they started out with humble beginnings in a converted goat’s shed. Read more

The Healing Power of Herbs

The Healing Power of Herbs

In this age of skyrocketing medical costs, more and more people are taking responsibility for their own health. They are turning to herbs, nature’s “super-medicines.” Many people are already including herbs in their diets, not just to season foods, but for maintaining and restoring vibrant health. Even researchers have found that chimpanzees are attracted to plants that contain natural antibiotics and are known to dose themselves with herbs in times of sickness. Read more

Is Your Immune System At Risk?

Is Your Immune System At Risk?

by Suzanne Wilson, Naturopath

The immune system’s prime function is to protect the body against infection and the development of cancer.  Support and enhancement of the immune system is perhaps the most important step in achieving resistance to disease and reducing susceptibility to colds, flus and chronic disease.  However, when the immune system becomes compromised with exposure to viral/bacterial infections, certain chemicals, drugs and mechanical injury, it can cause the immune system to attack itself in susceptible humans.  Read more

Stress, Immunity, Zinc and Vitamin C

Stress, Immunity, Zinc and Vitamin C

Your immune system is one the most complex systems on the planet. It is highly evolved and is able to cope with an amazing diversity of challenges. The problem is however,that the amount of stuff that your immune system has to deal with is increasing. Our world is not becoming cleaner, but is changing rapidly, with new chemicals and toxins introduced every day. Read more

Parents’ Health: How to stay on track

The New Mother: Taking Care of Yourself After Birth

by Mary Melling. Senior Acupuncturist, Senior Naturopath, Founder of Paddington Clinic

There is much written about the importance of mother’s health before and during pregnancy but not so much focus about the mother’s health after the baby is born. Once the joy of the new baby is experienced often the mother’s health is forgotten and as long as there is enough milk for the baby and the baby seems content then it may be presumed that Mum is okay too. Read more

Good Sleep = Good Heart? How sleep can save your life

Good Sleep = Good Heart? How sleep can save your life

There’s no ignoring it: Research shows that longer, restful nights mean a leaner body, a fitter heart and a healthier mind.

A good night’s sleep is as important for your health as exercise and nutritional food, so why is it that over one-third of us suffer from sleeping problems? Research shows stress, going to bed late, or having to get up too early are the most common reasons we aren’t soaking up enough sleep. Read more

Fatigue Explained

Fatigue Explained


There are many reasons as to why we may experience fatigue at different times of our lives. Here are a list of common causes of fatigue and what to do about them.

1. As we age our body can become more acidic which causes inflammation. Most chronic illnesses for example are inflammation based.   Read more

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