
The Truths and Myths of Sports Recovery

Recovery after training and competition allows athletes to return to their normal physiological and psychological state as rapidly as possible.

Various techniques are employed by athletes so that performance in their next competition or training session will not be unduly compromised by muscle soreness and/or fatigue. The term “sports recovery” used to mean, simply, rest. Read more


Stress & Anxiety In Children: What You As Parents Can Do

As providers and caretakers, adults tend to view the world of children as happy and carefree. After all, kids don’t have jobs to keep or bills to pay, so what could they possibly have to worry about? Plenty. Even very young children have worries and feel stress to some degree.

Sources of Stress

Stress is the result of the demands placed on us and our ability to meet them. Read more

Hot Stone Massage

Top 5 Reasons To Have A Hot Stone Massage

What is Hot Stone Massage?

Hot Stone Massage is a beautiful combination of Manual Massage and Hot Basalt Stones.  Mainly focusing on relaxation, the stones can allow for deeper work due to the gentle penetrating heat.  These can either be placed around the body or used physically with the massage.

Top 5 reasons to have a Hot Stone Massage Stress Management-Having the effects of the hands touching the skin, the stones add a beautiful penetrating heat that allows deep relaxation to take place. Read more

Keeping Calm With Massage

Have you ever thought about what is actually happening inside your body when you are receiving a massage?

 Firstly, taking the time out of a busy schedule to lay down and put yourself in the hands of a massage therapist is already starting the calming process. The feeling that someone cares about you and is taking the time to care for you is a powerful factor towards feeling good about yourself. Read more

Quinoa Salad

Are Food & Anxiety Linked? 10 Anti-Anxiety Diet Tips

Diet can have a huge effect on the way you are feeling. Ever had too much coffee one day? You might have felt edgy and irritated and even a bit panicky, with a weird sense of some kind of impending doom? There’s no doubt that what we eat and how we feel are related, and although anxiety is not necessarily caused by what you eat, that doesn’t mean that millions of people aren’t contributing to their anxiety every day by eating foods that create anxiety symptoms while avoiding foods that may alleviate anxiety. Read more


Achy All Over & Exhausted? Fibromyalgia Might Be To Blame

Do you often ache all over and feel exhausted?  If you’ve been to the doctor and they haven’t been able to find anything specifically wrong with you then it’s possible you are suffering from fibromyalgia.

What It Is?

Fibromyalgia  is characterised by chronic widespread pain as well as fatigue and tender points on your body.  Read more


Natural Pain Relief

In 2011, hydrocodone was the most prescribed drug in America, according to WebMD.

The treatment of pain can be as complex as it is individual. Sometimes, pain medication is necessary. Other times, natural solutions are just as effective, if not more. The ideal situation is knowing there are options, and not heading straight for a pill because it’s all you think will work.  Read more

Natural Kid’s First Aid

Seeing our children sick is awful. A lot of the time, we feel powerless and reach for Panadol and antibiotics because that is all we know.

Studies show that using Panadol in the first year of life for fever greatly increases the chances of asthma in 6-7 year-olds as well as being associated with an increased incidence of rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Read more

Massage – A Treatment, Not a Treat

Massage – A Treatment, Not a Treat

Most of us think of massage as indulgence. We get one as a treat, and if we’re really lucky, our spouse might give us a massage at the end of a long, hard day just to make us feel nice. And it’s true, they do feel nice. However, what you may not realize is that there are a whole range of other benefits massage can give you. Read more

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