Our 5 Favourite Go-To Products To Have On Hand For Kids



Here at Padding ton Clinic, Brisbane, we love seeing your children and offering safe alternatives to their health care, whether it’s to test for food intolerances, to boost their immune systems, to calm their nerves, to help with digestive issues or just for a general check up. There is so much natural therapies can offer them and we are passionate about sharing all the wonderful ways we can help them naturally.

Although we have dozens of beautiful herbs, formulas and products that we personally design for your individual child, here are five of our most used and recommended go-to products we like to encourage parents to have on hand in their natural medicine cabinet at home.

We thought it would be also worth mentioning that there is no need for your child to be swallowing tablets which may be hard for them. We have a large range of powders, liquids or drops depending on the product and your child.

Five Favourite Go-To Products

  1. Echinacea: This is a beautiful herb to support children’s immune system both when they are sick and as a preventative measure to strengthen their immunity, particularly during the winter months or while they are daycare or school. It is given in liquid form, particularly combined with other wonderful immune supportive herbs.
  2. ENT Immune Care For Kids: This is another wonderful immune formula. It’s in powder form and pleasant tasting. The E-N-T stands for “Ears, Nose and Throat”, so this product is particularly good for ear infections, sore throats, swollen glands, and general colds and flus.
  3. Formula 5: This is an immune product we use when a child might not take liquid or powder formulas. It is in drop form and is particularly good for babies. It is given when children or babies have a viral infection, or any cold and flu symptoms.
  4. Ultra Flora Kids Care: We all know how important gut health is, especially for young developing digestive systems. This is a very high quality probiotic in powder form given to children who have had to have had a course of antibiotics, or who have digestive issues, or even to babies who may be suffering reflux or colic.
  5. Calm Care For Kids: This is a powdered formula with magnesium plus lots of wonderful herbs that help to calm a child’s nervous system. This product is great for children who might be stressed or anxious, or to help a child with sleep.

There is so much we can do to support your child’s health here at Paddington Clinic. Call us on 3369 0045, or book online here.


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