Happy Woman

10 Unhealthy Things You Think Are Healthy But Aren’t

Awareness is increasing that many household goods, from your personal care products and food packaging to your couch cushions, could harbor dangerous chemicals. Less well known is the fact that even seemingly healthy products may turn out to be bad for you.

If you have any of these “healthy” or at the very least innocuous-seeming items around your home, you may want to think twice…

7 ‘Healthy’ Items Your Home Is Better Off Without

1.   Read more

10 Unhealthy Things You Think Are Healthy But Aren’t Read More »

Strawberry Ice Blocks

19 Healthy Food & Drink Ideas for Women in Labour – And Why They Need Them

Child birth is one of the hardest and most physically demanding acts that a woman will ever perform. Because it takes a huge amount of strength and energy, it is important to have good, healthy snacks available before, during and after birth. Snacks need to be wholesome and packed with protein and carbohydrates for strength and energy. Read more

19 Healthy Food & Drink Ideas for Women in Labour – And Why They Need Them Read More »

10 (Surprising) Ways You Are Making Your Veggies Less Nutritious

Modern-day diets are often lacking in nutrition, in large part because food choices are not optimal.

Even the healthy foods you choose, such as an apple or lettuce, are likely not as nutritious as they once were. Ancient wild plants provided an astounding level of phytonutrients that are largely absent from our modern cultivated fruits and veggies. Read more

10 (Surprising) Ways You Are Making Your Veggies Less Nutritious Read More »

Vegetable Curry

One Week Meal Plan

Eating well often calls for organization, especially during the week when we’re time strapped and need something on the dinner table quickly. Here are some great recipes and a weekly meal plan to take the stress out of wondering what to cook.

MONDAY: Chilli Con Carne

Lean beef and beans are a great source of protein. Read more

One Week Meal Plan Read More »

Parents’ Health: How to stay on track

Thriving Little Babies: A Parent’s Guide

It can be an overwhelming time – bringing a new baby home. Here is a gentle, easy guide for parents to overcome common problems during breastfeeding (like low milk production), the healthiest formulas on the market (if breastfeeding is not an option), health concerns in babies like colic, and common concerns in parents post-birth like emotional overwhelm and fatigue, anaemia, and how mums and dads can best support each other during this time.   Read more

Thriving Little Babies: A Parent’s Guide Read More »

What Your Blood Says About Your Digestion

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Natural Approach

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex disorder with no ‘magic bullet’ treatment solution, but the role natural therapies has in CFS recovery is huge.

The exact cause of CFS is unknown, although scientists suspect viruses such as Epstein Barr or mononucleosis as well as environmental factors such as Heavy Metal Toxicity can trigger this syndrome. Read more

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Natural Approach Read More »

The Healing Power of Herbs

Herbs For Sleep

There are many reason why people cannot sleep. Sleep disturbances could be caused by stress, adrenal fatigue, digestive upsets, nutritional deficiencies (such as magnesium) and hormonal imbalances – just to name a few. The truth is, insomnia can actually be a symptom of an underlying problem, and it’s not until the underlying problem is addressed that people can truly have their sleep problems disappear. Read more

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Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease Naturally

Inflammatory bowel disease, most commonly manifesting as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, affects approximately 1 million Australians. It is one of over a hundred autoimmune Illnesses, in which the body’s defense forces (immune system) mistakenly attacks the body—in this case the small or large intestines.

Although standard medical therapies consist largely of steroids (prednisone), immune suppressants and modifiers (e.g., Read more

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Chinese Medicine

Treating Psoriasis and Eczema Naturally

Both eczema and psoriasis involve skin inflammation which can be fairly noticeable. Because of this, many people tend to confuse the two skin conditions, but in reality they are completely different. In acupuncture, we tend to view conditions on the skin – the most outer layer of our bodies – as a symptom of toxins or imbalances in the deeper layers of the body, almost like the body’s way of trying to rid itself. Read more

Treating Psoriasis and Eczema Naturally Read More »

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