
Overcoming Fatigue in Thyroid Problems

Have thyroid issues and struggle with fatigue even on thyroid medication? Here are some of the strategies to help overcome this debilitating symptom.

1. TSH

Make sure that your TSH is within the range of a healthy person without thyroid disease, not within the range of an elderly person or someone with subclinical thyroid disease. Read more

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Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil - Which To Use and Why

A Natural Approach To Healthier Hair

It might sound like a recipe for a tasty lunch – avocado, eggs and yoghurt – but these nutrient-rich foods are perfect for slathering on your hair! With many of us seeking natural approaches to healthcare, minus the chemicals, homemade hair treatments make sense.


It’s important to note that problems with hair like thinning, or even hair falling out can be a strong sign of underlying conditions, like dietary insufficiencies or endocrine/adrenal disorders.   Read more

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Good Sleep = Good Heart? How sleep can save your life

Natural Therapies For Sleep

There are many reason why people cannot sleep. Sleep disturbances could be caused by stress, adrenal fatigue, digestive upsets and hormonal imbalances – just to name a few. The truth is, insomnia can actually be a symptom of an underlying problem, and it’s not until the underlying problem is addressed that people can truly have their sleep problems disappear. Read more

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WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: What is one of single most important things we can do for our health? And is FREE?

8 Guilt-Free Indulgences

Exercise regularly, eat more vegetables, drink less alcohol – we all know these contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but it’s important to know the distinction between slipping up and taking some time out. So shake off that guilty niggling feeling, kick back and ditch the guilt trip. Here are 8 ways where indulging in life’s little pleasures can actually be good for you. Read more

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Signs of Food Intolerance & How It’s Hurting Your Immune System

Basically, when we think of the word “inflammation”, we tend to think of acute injuries; redness, swelling, and pain caused by an accident. However, inflammation can happen internally, and over a long period of time, for many different reasons. Stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and exposure to toxins (like secondhand tobacco smoke) can all contribute to chronic inflammation, but dietary choices play a huge role as well. Read more

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Can We Find Our Mind In Our Heart?

Top 10 Brain Foods

Without a healthy diet, it is difficult to concentrate, remember, pay attention and learn. This applies to both children and adults, but perhaps is more critical to a child’s success in school. It’s never too late to make some healthy changes to your entire family’s diet to be sure that everyone is getting enough brain food. Read more

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5 Simple Tips To Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

With Easter around the corner, many people tend to regard this time of year as a well-deserved break including a myriad of sweets, carb-heavy comfort foods, alcohol and more than a few excuses for skipping the gym. There are plenty of actions you can take to not only prevent holiday weight gain, but even to lose weight during the holidays if you need to. Read more

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If You Drink Coffee Make Sure It’s Organic

Most Coffee is Heavily Sprayed With Pesticides

Most people are not aware that regular coffee consumption can be a significant source of pesticides. According to the CS Monitor, conventional farmers apply up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers per acre.

Pesticides contribute to a wide range of health problems, including prostate and other types of cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and miscarriages in pregnant women. Read more

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