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Salmon Stir Fry

Eat Your Way To A Healthy Heart


Cardiovascular disease is a concern within our society however many of the risk factors are preventable through a healthy diet and exercise. Eating a diet high in vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, and healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids are protective measures that can be adopted. Furthermore avoiding processed foods, high in sugar and trans fatty acids and keeping active will have your heart in good health. Read more

Skin Deep

Six Steps To A Healthy Heart

by Tracey Loiterton.

What is Cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is a term used to describe a number of conditions including heart attack, angina, stroke, high blood pressure, blood clotting and other heart or blood vessel disorders.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Australia, with 45,600 deaths attributed to CVD in Australia in 2011. Read more


7 Steps To Healthy, Happy Ageing

Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a slew of medical conditions or poor quality of life.

Getting older involves change, both negative and positive, but you can enjoy aging if you understand what’s going on with your body and take steps to maintain your health.

Many different things happen to your body as you age. Read more

Quinoa Salad

Top 8 Budget-Friendly Healthy Foods

With food prices rising, your family’s grocery bill might be in need of a few budget cuts. Unfortunately, because of the misperception that healthy foods always cost more, nutritious foods like fresh produce are often the first to get bumped from grocery carts. But there are plenty of ways to save money without sacrificing the quality of your diet. Read more
Stress Ages You: The missing link behind stress, depression & lifespan

10 Ways For A Man To Reduce Stress

by Joel Delaney.

Never underestimate the power of stress. In my opinion, if there was one single thing you could do to get maximum health benefit it would be to minimize stress. Here are 10 practical and easy ways to minimize the effects of stress.

1. Exercise: The evidence to the benefits of exercise is huge. Read more

A Man's Guide To Essential Vitamins & Minerals

A Man’s Guide To Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Research shows that men are missing out on some key nutrients for their health. Here’s the 411 on what you need — and where you can get it.

You know the rules for healthy living — exercise, eat right, sleep well, relaxation and some stress management strategies — but how many of them do you actually follow? Read more

Salmon Stir Fry

Healthier Diet, Stronger Sperm?

Two studies show diet can affect mobility of sperm and quality of semen.

For years, nutritionists have rallied around the notion that “you are what you eat.” Now, new research suggests this adage might even extend to the strength and quantity of sperm.

What was found was that diets rich in red meat and processed grains seem to impair the ability of sperm to move about, and diets high in trans fats appear to lower the amount of sperm found in semen. Read more

Skin Deep

How To Keep Your Mind Sharp

As you get older, your memory may start slipping. But keeping your brain healthy with mental workouts and simple lifestyle guidelines could help avert something more serious.

Normal age-related memory loss usually affects your recent memory, rather than your remote memory. For example, you might forget the name of a person you just met, or an item your wife wanted you to pick up from the store. Read more

Keeping Calm With Massage

Have you ever thought about what is actually happening inside your body when you are receiving a massage?

 Firstly, taking the time out of a busy schedule to lay down and put yourself in the hands of a massage therapist is already starting the calming process. The feeling that someone cares about you and is taking the time to care for you is a powerful factor towards feeling good about yourself. Read more

Quinoa Salad

Are Food & Anxiety Linked? 10 Anti-Anxiety Diet Tips

Diet can have a huge effect on the way you are feeling. Ever had too much coffee one day? You might have felt edgy and irritated and even a bit panicky, with a weird sense of some kind of impending doom? There’s no doubt that what we eat and how we feel are related, and although anxiety is not necessarily caused by what you eat, that doesn’t mean that millions of people aren’t contributing to their anxiety every day by eating foods that create anxiety symptoms while avoiding foods that may alleviate anxiety. Read more

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