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Chinese Medicine

Daily Multi-Vitamins: To Take Or Not To Take

Although we live in the land of plenty — and for the most part overeat — there are some critical vitamins that Australians tend to be short on, especially women. These include calcium, folic acid, iron, and vitamin D. Despite trying to eat well, we may not get all the nutrients we need since soil quality is much poorer than it used to be, so taking a daily multivitamin is a good idea. Read more

So, What Is Health Anyway?

10 Ways To Spice Up Your Water

We all know that drinking plenty of water is crucial to our health, but many of us become bored or uninspired by its plain taste or forget to drink enough. Hydrating your body plays a huge role in healing. It also tends to lead to better health choices. For example, drinking water instead of other sugary or strong-flavoured drinks trains your taste buds to enjoy the subtle tastes of whole foods that are less processed and lower in calories. Read more

Healthy Eating for 2012 - Our Top 10 Tips

Fat Loss – Why It Might Not Be Happening

by Peter Delaney.

Obesity is one of the biggest problems facing the health of the Australian population. One in two women is overweight or obese and 2 out of three men have the same problems. There are many reasons for weight gain, overeating is not the only reason.

So why is it that acupuncture, detoxification, massage and supplements make such a big difference in weight management and fat loss? Read more

What Sickness Means & Why It’s Important To Understand It

The human body is one of the most, if not the most, incredible and highly orchestrated system known to mankind. It is made of up several general organ systems, tissues, bones, vascular pathways, hormonal pathways and so many other processes and mechanisms that allow it to function, firing at speeds so fast and all happening at once, it would blow our minds if we truly comprehended it all. Read more


The Scary Ways Stress Is Stopping You From Conceiving

Life can present us with many stressors weather it be in the form of work deadlines, mortgage repayments or even just juggling hectic schedules. Illness and sleep deprivation can also cause a physiological stress response within the body. Many stressors we face may not be avoidable however what we do have control of the way in which we manage the stressors. Read more


The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat

Diet is one of those things we are all told contradictory opinions about. The raw food diet, the blood type diet, the Paleolithic diet, the Atkins diet, there are so many strands of belief claiming to be the best diet mankind has ever known. While we don’t necessary believe that one same diet is appropriate for every single person, we strongly believe in avoiding these 9 foods, no matter which school of dietary thought you swim in. Read more

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