Are You Sick of Catching Colds & Flu’s?

Are You Sick of Catching Colds & Flu’s?

Colds and flu’s can strike at any time, not just the dreaded winter season. Some people are more susceptible to catching them, and here’s to understanding why:

Why Do We Get Colds & Flu’s?

If you regularly catch colds and flu’s, you may have an imbalance in your immune system which may make you more susceptible to infections. Read more


You & Your Hormones: The Causes of Women’s Fatigue

Worn out and weary, women across the country named fatigue among their top five health concerns of 2015. But did you know unbalanced hormones have a HUGE effect on how much energy you feel? The most common sign of hormonal imbalance is poor energy. 

Low thyroid hormone levels have you feeling utterly exhausted High cortisol hormone is present when under high stress, and this reduces thyroid function leading to low energy Long term stress leads to cortisol deficiency leading to poor energy Low thyroid function causes estrogen imbalances leading to poor energy High stress leads to low progesterone, which leaves you moody and tired

If tiredness is coupled with mood swings, insomnia, depression and/or anxiety, it gives us even more grounds to suspect your hormones are not as they sure be, as these symptoms are all signs of an unbalanced hormonal system. Read more

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: What is one of single most important things we can do for our health? And is FREE?

Why Women Need Different Vitamins At Different Ages

Vitamins for Women: What to Take and When A woman who’s still menstruating needs different vitamins than a woman who is post-menopausal.

Though health experts say food is still your most important source of nutrients, they also say meeting daily dietary needs (at the very least) is vital to long-term health. Read more


5 Signs Your Hormones Are Out of Whack

Do you feel like something is just not right? You’re not sick.  You’re not in physical pain. But something just isn’t quite letting you feel 100%. It could be your hormones.

If you’re eating more, sleeping less, and feeling frazzled, stressed out, easily offended or overly sensitive, even when things are going pretty good for you: It’s likely you’ve got a hormone imbalance. Read more

Child Sleep

Getting Your Child to Sleep Naturally + 10 Remedies for Nightmares

A good night’s sleep is vital to your child’s mood and brain function. Studies show that not getting enough rest can worsen behaviour, memory, emotional control and immune function.

So how can we help our children sleep through the night? Eat, Drink, and Exercise Right for a Good Night’s Sleep

Avoid eating or snacking one to two hours before bedtime.  Read more


Our 5 Favourite Go-To Products To Have On Hand For Kids

Here at Padding ton Clinic, Brisbane, we love seeing your children and offering safe alternatives to their health care, whether it’s to test for food intolerances, to boost their immune systems, to calm their nerves, to help with digestive issues or just for a general check up. There is so much natural therapies can offer them and we are passionate about sharing all the wonderful ways we can help them naturally. Read more

Natural Antivirals

In these current times, we must use every weapon in our arsenal against invasive viruses, including often-overlooked natural remedies with antiviral properties. As is also the case with pharmaceutical agents, natural approaches have not been shown to stop an aggressive virus in its tracks, but they may ameliorate symptoms. Nutrition and supplementation can greatly help prevent the infection from becoming symptomatic or severe. Read more

Keeping Kids Healthy at School: 6 Tips

With a new school year starting, parents and children alike are launching into busier schedules which can often override healthy choices in place of convenience. But by teaching kids some important healthy habits, parents can help make school and health a priority during the school year. Here are some great tips on how to stay healthy in school. Read more

10 Natural Therapies That Can Help Children

Did you know that about 30% of children in Australia use holistic therapies of some form? Natural therapies is sought out for children either in lieu of medical treatments – for example using a homeopathic flu remedy instead of taking a pharmaceutical drug – or as an adjunct to medical treatment – for example taking probiotics after a bout of antibiotics. Read more

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