
6 Steps To Ageing Gracefully

by Suzanne Wilson, Naturopath.

In the year of 2000, 10% of the global population was aged 60 years or older and this percentage is projected to reach 21% by 2050 and according to Discover Magazine (2008 pp67-68) the average human life expectancy is likely to reach 100 by 2060. Humans are living longer and getting older can be a natural process but can present challenges.  Read more

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Better Living Wellness Vitality

How To Die Healthy

by Mary Melling, Senior Practitioner.

The chronic degenerative diseases of aging are now known to be partly inheritance but mostly due to life style. We hear terrifying facts these days that many children being born now will not outlive their parents. The baby boomers however are expected to live longer than ever. Read more

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Food Pairing

6 Top Food Pairings – Are You Doing It?

Pairing the perfect foods is good for more than just your tastebuds. In fact, the right combinations can take a healthy food and kick its disease-fighting powers into overdrive. Here are 6 top food pairings we highly recommend:

Tomatoes And Avocado Here’s a good reason to add tomatoes to your next batch of homemade guacamole, or to add a few slices to your next breakfast of avo on toast. Read more

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What Everyone Who Takes Herbs or Supplements Needs To Know

Many people know that echinacea is good for colds. Just like they know ginseng is good for energy. While the good news is that natural remedies are becoming more well known for their health benefits, the bad news is that a lot of people are self-prescribing these remedies because they have “heard” that it will help them. Read more

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Skin Deep

Skin Deep

by Suzanne Wilson, Naturopath.

Society reminds us that we need to look younger with the latest scientifically proven anti-aging product. It tells us that if we eat chocolate we will get pimples and if we have a rash to use some corticosteroid cream on it and hope for it to never return.  Read more

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Skin Concerns & Chinese Medicine

by Peter Delaney, Senior Practitioner.

Our skin is the first thing that people see when they look at us and so from a vanity perspective skin is very important. However, the skin has a lot more going for it and it needs lots of care and attention.

Our skin is one of our most vulnerable organs which is under attack constantly, whether it’s the environment we live in or the things we rub on ourselves such as sunscreen and makeup. Read more

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7 Steps To Better Skin

Creating healthy skin is not solely about applying creams and lotions. Your skin is an organ of elimination, which means one of its purposes is to rid the body of toxins. Therefore, what appears on the skin surface is often a manifestation of what is going on internally. If your body is congested with undigested food, toxicity, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, or stress, this will appear on the skin and no amount of lotions will restore skin health without cleansing and balancing from the inside out. Read more

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Children Deserve To Be In Their Best Health

Children Deserve To Be In Their Best Health

by Mary Melling – Naturopath, Acupuncturist and Founder of Paddington Clinic.

Over the years we have treated many children ranging from new born babies to teenagers. We love treating children at Paddington Clinic and feel they are entitled to good health. We like to see newborns for a check up and or to treat any problems such as colic or reflux that seems to be a growing concern. Read more

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Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

Gymnema Leaf – known as the “sugar destroyer”

In Ayurvedic (Indian) medical herbal texts it is noted that chewing the leaves of gymnema removed the ability to taste sweet or bitter substances for up to 2 hours. One or two ml per day is all that is necessary for reducing sweet cravings and the sweet taste. The extract can be applied directly to the tongue, rinsed off and swallowed. Read more

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Coffee: Friend or Enemy?

Coffee: Friend or Enemy?

It seems there is a lot of confusion around coffee. Is it good for us or bad for us and how much is okay?

The truth is, different health experts will tell you different things. Obviously, this makes it difficult to assess whether it is good or bad for us, but we have compiled some opinions so you can decide for yourself: Is coffee our friend or enemy? Read more

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