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Avoid Disease by Maintaining Acid – Alkaline Balance

Avoid Disease by Maintaining Acid – Alkaline Balance

It appears that taking small steps to change your body’s pH will give you more energy, increase mental clarity, improve digestion and stabilise your weight naturally. In fact, many sources of literature suggests that most degenerative disease attributed to ageing, such as cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease, and ailments such as allergy, kidney stones and gallstones can be linked to mineral deficiencies that result in body fluids becoming more acidic. Read more

Fatigue Explained

Fatigue Explained


There are many reasons as to why we may experience fatigue at different times of our lives. Here are a list of common causes of fatigue and what to do about them.

1. As we age our body can become more acidic which causes inflammation. Most chronic illnesses for example are inflammation based.   Read more

Acupuncture - An effective solution to fatigue

Acupuncture: An effective solution to fatigue

Written by Mary Melling

One of the most common reasons people come to consult with us at Paddington Clinic is because they feel tired……”EXHAUSTED” is a phrase used by many. Some of these clients say they have seen their own GP and all blood tests have come back saying all is normal but they know they just don’t feel right and could feel so much better in themselves. Read more

Has this year left you feeling absolutely exhausted?

Has this year left you feeling absolutely exhausted?

Most people today are living extremely stressful, busy lives, so it is normal to feel tired sometimes. This tiredness generally resolves itself after some rest and relaxation. Increasingly though, persistent tiredness is becoming a major problem for many people. Fatigue is a common presenting complaint, but it is often misunderstood, and at times even dismissed, particularly if there is no easily identifiable cause. Read more

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Will you be one of the 9 million people who die before the age of 60 from a “lifestyle disease”

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Will you be one of the 9 million people who die before the age of 60 from a “lifestyle disease”?

It’s official. Non-communicable diseases (“lifestyle” diseases) are now the leading cause of death around the world, with developing countries hit hardest, according to a new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

“What is of concern is the fact that 9 million of the 36 million people who die every year because of non-communicable diseases die before the age of 60 years,” authors say. Read more

HEALTHY MUM, HEALTHY CHILD. Parents’ Stress Leaves Lasting Marks On Children’s Genes, Researchers Find

HEALTHY MUM, HEALTHY CHILD. Parents’ Stress Leaves Lasting Marks On Children’s Genes, Researchers Find

Motherhood often means a life of chaos. At home, mums are craft experts, dietitians, psychologists, event managers, doctors, tutors, mind-readers, cleaners and fundraisers. As they make breakfast, gather homework, retrieve missing socks, apply make-up, hang the washing out, usher the kids in the car and kiss their husbands goodbye, the frantic pace of their day continues just as it began. Read more

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: OUR MODERN LIFESTYLE DILEMNA and how to stop it threatening our health.

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: OUR MODERN LIFESTYLE DILEMNA and how to stop it threatening our health

We all know the signs: stressed, tired, time-poor, irritable, low motivation, loss of concentration, and generally feeling off. Suffering “21st century syndrome” is certainly not uncommon, but it doesn’t mean it has to be put up with. Here’s to understanding our modern day lifestyle and what to do about it threatening our happiness and our health. Read more

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