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WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: What is one of single most important things we can do for our health? And is FREE?

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: What is one of single most important things we can do for our health? And is FREE?

Yes, you guessed it. Exercise.

To some, just the thought of tight pants, heavy weights or hill running makes you feel sick and exercise gets put on the back-burner for as long as possible.

If this is you, or if you just need some motivation to continue on your exercise regime, here are 19 reasons why you should to make exercise part of your lifestyle. Read more

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Fertilty – Helping It Happen

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Fertilty – Helping It Happen

Falling Pregnant Is Not Always Easy…

Having a baby is a precious gift. Sadly, for many couples it is an extremely distressing experience as they struggle to conceive amd/or maintain a pregnancy. The causes of infertility and many and varied, and affect both men and women. Sometimes the man’s sperm count is too low; sometimes there is a hormonal imbalance in one or both partners; sometimes lifestyle factors such as nutritonal deficiencies, stress, obesity or toxicity are at fault; and sometimes there may be no obvious reason at all. Read more

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