PAIN CLINIC: New to Paddington Clinic


The first week of February, 2015 will see the start of our Pain Clinic. It has been something that we have been working on for awhile and are really excited for its launch. It is available to current clients as well as family, friends or loved ones who are looking for pain solutions.

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What is the Pain Clinic?

It is a very systematic and rapid approach to resolving the underlying issues related to what is causing you pain. Pain is a warning signal that an underlying need isn’t being met in the body.  The goal of the clinic is to quickly and efficiently find this cause, apply the appropriate treatment and make fundamental change.

Who can benefit from the Pain Clinic?

  • Anyone in pain can benefit but specifically the clinic will focus on chronic pain that has traditionally been very difficult to shift or has been caused by something “unknown”.
  • If you have “tried everything else”.
  • If you want rapid change.
  • If you want a fundamental understanding as to why you are in pain and how you can participate in changing to a happy, healthy body.

Why did we start the Pain Clinic?

To get the quickest, most efficient and profound result possible. To do this we have created a structure that we believe will deliver this. It includes: more specific support, better education so you can better help yourself, concentrated treatments, clear treatment approach and a new pricing structure to make it financially more beneficial to commit to faster results.

healthThere are only 3 places currently available so if you believe it is something that will benefit you or a loved one please book an initial discovery consult on 33690045 or email

In this consult we thoroughly assess you and give you clear idea of what needs to be done to change your condition, what underlying causes are contributing to your condition, and how they can be changed. You will also be able to see how the treatment is applied and in most cases experience immediate change.

Joel Delaney - Acupuncture Brisbane


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