The Scary Ways Stress Is Stopping You From Conceiving



Life can present us with many stressors weather it be in the form of work deadlines, mortgage repayments or even just juggling hectic schedules. Illness and sleep deprivation can also cause a physiological stress response within the body. Many stressors we face may not be avoidable however what we do have control of the way in which we manage the stressors. Offsetting stress is something that we need to make a primary focus in our lives. The way in which this is achieved will be different for every individual.

The question that we need to ask ourselves is what makes me feel alive, what make me light, free and liberated, what reduces the way in which I feel the stress? For some this might be escaping the city for the weekend with a tent and spending some time in nature. For others it maybe going for a run with their dog and or it may be having a long soak in the bath with scented candles and a cup of tea.

The most important question that needs to follow the previous is how can I fit more of this into my life? Finding time to do more of the things you love won’t necessarily just happen, you need to plan and prioritize for it to become a reality.

How Is Stress Stopping Me From Falling Pregnant?

It is estimated that in Australia 1 in 6 couples struggle to conceive, a statistic that is of a growing concern within our society. Stress is known as a key driver of both male and female infertility for numerous reasons. Stress can interfere with the hypothalamic- pituitary axis that controls the delicate balance of hormones released to support conception. Women exposed to continual un-managed stress can have inhibited ovarian estrogen and progesterone biosynthesis. Conception occurs when the body is under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system, when we feel relaxed and void of stress. Stress on the other hand is felt when the sympathetic nervous system is in control.

A 2010 study noted stress decreased sperm concentration, total sperm count and percentage of motile sperm to concentrations below that of which constitutes ‘normal’ by the World Health Organization.

Reducing stress not only improves the pregnancy outcomes for natural conception but also for those couples using assisted fertility technology. A 2006 study demonstrated that reducing stress may diminish the number of IVF treatment cycles needed before a pregnancy is obtained.

Managing stress an essential part of improving fertility outcomes but also essential for maintaining good health as parents. As previously mentioned, life will continue to present stressors  – especially with children around – however, developing effective strategies to off-set the negative effects will be your best defense against stress. Sit down and make the time to schedule into your routine some self nurture time. Book in a regular massage or acupuncture session. Take a yoga class. Reflect upon what you love in your life and what you want to dedicate more time doing.

The rewards that will be gained from making this a priority will certainly not go unrecognized by yourself or your loved ones, and if you are having problems conceiving, it might be the very thing you need to do.

For more information about other factors which may be inhibiting your fertility, click here.

For ways in which we can help you manage your stress naturally, click here.

To download your FREE COPY of our Fertility Report, written by fertility expert Mary Melling and outlining the three essential things you need to know for fertility success, visit our website here.

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