What Your Blood Says About Your Digestion

What Your Blood Says About Your Digestion

The same “weight loss” diet is not going to work for us all.


Because depending on our biochemistry, the foods we eat react with our blood in order to help us or hinder us, and this reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins are abundant proteins found in foods, and they have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. So when you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. This puts pressure on the running of your body, and we see inflammation, sluggishness, fatigue and weight gain.

What Your Blood Says About Your Digestion

Some of you may have heard of this concept when reading about the Blood Type diet. As a quick summary, these are the general guidelines of eating and exercise for each different blood type:

Type O – People with type O blood fare best on intense physical exercise and animal proteins and less well on dairy products and grains. The leading reason for weight gain among Type O’s is the gluten found in wheat products and, to a lesser extent, lentils, corn, kidney beans, and cabbage. Ideal exercises for Type O’s include aerobics, martial arts, contact sports, and running.

Type A – Those with blood type A, however, are more naturally suited to a vegetarian diet and foods that are fresh, pure, and organic. As Type A’s are predisposed to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Type A’s are better off doing calming, centering exercise, such as yoga and tai chi.

Type B – Type B’s have a strong immune system and a tolerant digestive system and tend to resist many of the severe chronic degenerative illnesses, or at least survive them better than the other blood types. Type B’s do best with moderate physical exercise requiring mental balance, such as hiking, cycling, tennis, and swimming.

Type AB – Blood type AB, the most recent, in terms of evolution, of the four groups and an amalgam of types A and B, is the most biologically complex. For this group, a combination of the exercises for types A and B works best.

So, for example, if you are an A blood type and have been following protein-dense diets such as the famous Atkins diet, you may not be losing the weight you desire and you may actually be damaging your health for the future. By switching to a vegetarian-based diet, sluggishness, fatigue, weight concerns and inflammation may gradually disappear.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

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